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Online workshop in Family Constellation with Sakino (Germany/USA)

Friday September 22nd
Between the hours of 09:00 - 12:00 CET time

The workshop allows a taste of the constellation's work
and an introduction to Sakino Towards

an International family and systemic constellation
and trauma work training starting in January 2024

Cost: A symbolic price of 25 Euros​

For any help or question:

WhatsApp: +972-54-2128206

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What is Family and Systemic Constellation?

Family and Systemic Constellations are gentle yet powerful techniques that reveal and disentangle our family ties. Constellations help us understand that we are influenced by any system that we belong to

Through Family and Systemic Constellations:

  • We will reveal behavior patterns in the family system that continue from generation to generation

  • We will understand the hidden dynamics in our family

  • We will get different perspective and a deeper understanding of our emotional and behavioral patterns

  • We will allow full acceptance of the facts that have occurred in the past, thus solving their harmful effects on our lives

  • We will bring healing, acceptance and completion to relationships in our lives

  • We will allow love that has been frozen to flow again and a very ancient sense of separateness to dissolve itself

  • We will feel connected again, to ourselves, to our loved ones, to life
    ***This method can also be used for study in organizations and teams

The facilitator:
Sakino Mathilde Sternberg (Germany)

Born in Germany, holds a diploma in Clinical Psychology, with over 45 years of experience in various fields of therapy and counseling.
Sakino is specializing in Systemic Family Therapy (Virginia Satir), Trauma Therapy (NARM, SE) and more.

Trained in family and systemic constellation by Bert Hellinger, founder of this method, and others.


In addition, Sakino was trained in:

Primal Therapy (Early Childhood Work)

Sexuality Therapy

Body-focused psychotherapy and Somatic Experiencing

Gestalt therapy

Behavioural therapy


Client Centered Psychotherapy and storytelling


Sakino was trained by:

Bert Hellinger, Germany

Dr. Peter Levine, USA

Dr. Lawrence Heller, USA

Prof. Dan Bar-On, Israel

Prof. Meinolf Peters, Germany

Denny Yuson, The Netherlands

Dr. Guntard Weber, Germany
Dr. Stephen Porges
Dr. Gabor Mate, and others.


Works in Berlin in her private clinic, facilitates workshops and training sessions in Europe and around the world.

She is known for her precision and intuition, endowed with deep love for the human condition and rare sensitivity as well as limitless patience.


Getting to know Sakino

Sakino explains about family constellation

For any help or question:

WhatsApp: +972-54-2128206

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