Dealing with Trauma
in Constellation Work
10 sessions of 4 hours for Graduates
Scope and duration of studies
10 meetings once a week on Mondays
between 18:00 - 22:00 Israel time
(40 hours in total) As of Monday, February 7, 2022
All sessions will be transmitted through the Zoom
One of the most complex and complicated themes we encounter in constellations is the subject of trauma.
Both, clients and facilitators are challenged in this.
The client because he/she could experience re – traumatization, going into fight – flight – freeze – fawn response, and the facilitator going into either the same or trying to save the client.
The curriculum
In this advanced short training you will learn about
Developmental Trauma
Shock Trauma
Transgenerational Trauma
Collective Trauma
Religious/Political/Cultural Trauma
Trauma secrets
Shame, guilt, aggression in trauma
Inherited Trauma
Coming out of the Trauma vortex
Loyalties and Entanglements
Trauma as Shadow
And more
We will work with Constellations, Healing rituals, Imaginations, particular questions, resources.

The facilitator:
Sakino Mathilde Sternberg (Germany)
Born in Germany, holds a diploma in Clinical Psychology, with over 40 years of experience in various fields of therapy and counseling.
Sakino is specializing in Systemic Family Therapy (Virginia Satir), Trauma Therapy (NARM, SE) and more.
Trained in family and systemic constellation by Bert Hellinger, founder of this method, and others.
In addition, Sakino was trained in:
Primal Therapy (Early Childhood Work)
Sexuality Therapy
Body-focused psychotherapy and Somatic Experiencing
Gestalt therapy
Behavioural therapy
Client Centered Psychotherapy and storytelling
Sakino was trained by:
Bert Hellinger, Germany
Dr. Peter Levine, USA
Dr. Lawrence Heller, USA
Prof. Dan Bar-On, Israel
Prof. Meinolf Peters, Germany
Denny Yuson, The Netherlands
Dr. Guntard Weber, Germany and others.
Works in Berlin in her private clinic, facilitates workshops and training sessions in Europe and around the world.
She is known for her precision and intuition, endowed with deep love for the human condition and rare sensitivity as well as limitless patience.

Who is the course for?
This seminar series is ONLY for participants who have fully completed and graduated from the "Heal your Roots Family and Systemic Constellation and Trauma Healing Training", under the guidance of Sakino or under the guidance of other teachers.
The certificate
Students who have attended all 10 sessions and fulfilled all requirements of the program will get an international certificate of completion.
Since Sakino is a member of the Official Psychotherapists Organization in Germany, as well as the "German Systemic Constellation Association", the certificate is internationally recognized.
Scope and duration of studies
10 meetings once a week on Mondays between 18:00- 22:00 Israel time
(40 hours in total) As of Monday, February 7, 2022.
All sessions will be transmitted through the Zoom
The cost
230€ ✕ 5 payments
First payment in February 2022
A registration fee of 100€ will be transferred at the time of registration (and will be deducted from the first payment)